Thursday, July 15, 2010


Million Dollar Trio
Million Dollar Trio
Around the border: Mary Dorothy Daly and her prize winners.

This is one cute little girl, dressed in a coat with fur collar, a huge fur scarf, fur leggings, and a beanie cap! Then to top it off--Two huge fowl birds that she is "walking" while holding their leashes.

The question begs to be answered: Who was Mary Dorothy Daly? IS this RPPC photo really of Mary Dorothy Daly? And certainly...if these prize-winning birds, presumably the honors given at some sort of county or state fair...this little girl didn't do the feeding, grooming and cleaning up of the you-know-what! I have been to enough Minnesota State Fairs to know that any living creature that wins a prize is groomed down to where the skin and folicles meet.

Oh, well. Does it matter? It's cute! Unfortunately the postcard is not in good shape, missing a corner and all.

Postmark: Anamosa, Iowa, Jan 24, 1911, 6 PM

Addressed to:
Miss Merle Peet
Martelle, Iowa

How is my little girlie? Any mumps or measles yet. How are mama and papa? What do you think of my other girlie and her team? She is very proud of this picture. Wish you knew her! Aunt-None(?)


  1. That cute little girl is my grandmother, Mary Dorothy Daly and she was, indeed, very proud of this picture. I grew up with this card - which bears an astounding resemblance to my daughter at the same age (about 5). The card was an advertisement for my great-grandmother's poultry breeder/egg business. My great Aunt None was a school teacher and apparently used the card to write to one of her students.

    I would be pleased to hear from you about how and where you found the card.

    Catherine Gordon

    1. Hello Catherine Gordon, I wish I had seen your comment in a more timely manner instead of five years after the fact! I offer a heartfelt thank you! for sharing this information. As to how and where I found the card, I don't recall because I am always looking and getting post cards from here and there.

    2. Catherine Gordon, please contact me through this blog (I'll be very watchful!) or our webstore ( if you would like to have this card for your family history and I will look for it because I believe I still have it.
