Saturday, July 10, 2010

RPPC Scenery WHO was Scheuer? by Mary Katherine May

ALONEby Scheuer

February 13 1909
6 PM
Bricelyn Minn

Addressed to
Mrs. W. H. Scriver

Wells, Minn.

Dear Mama:
I was going to tell you when was home but forgot it. You take enough of my money and get 50 yds of that 5-1/2 cent sheeting for home. You need it so you get it.

Often in the past when communication was limited between locations, or at best there was the telephone complete with operator and party line where anyone could listen in, the postcard was used to relay useful information...sometimes important, sometimes just general family things between brother, sister, mother, father, and other relatives.

Here is another RPPH (real picture postcard) by Scheuer, titled ALONE. Though I doubt that the cow in the water was staged, the title of the photograph gives the implication that it was.

Seen in the background are 3+ buildings laid out so that it appears to be a neighborhood rather than a farm. Since I don't have any information about Scheuer, I have no way of telling whether there is a possibility that the bridge in the background of this photo is the same bridge as the one in the previous post.

This blog post by Mary Katherine May May of Quality Music and Books.

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